So it's been a while, been a busy week. I worked so much this week, they just told me I was over hours and to leave early today. Wow to leave early on a Friday is my dream. But I'm sure only to encounter everyone else on the planet leaving work and heading east for the weekend, I mean with this weather how could I resist. But my beef this week is with hoity toity luxury full-size sedan drivers. I mean just because your cost more than mine doesn't mean you get to pull out whenever and where ever you want to in front of me and expect me to stop. And yeah I have seen Fried Green Tomatoes, and I know you are older and have more INSURANCE, but FOR REALS!!! I need to keep this poor little fender I have, my brakes squeaking and barely working... that's how I get buy with this mid-size SUV, that I say I need for room, but really just like because it's fun to run over curbs which I often do. Hence why I'm always needing new tires, but I would really like to blame this on all the brakes I've had to slam stopping for these rich people who have no re guard for others. Ok yes you have a nice car and yes I can see your $1200 sunglasses resting on your nose job and botox, which I'm sure would not look all that great if we got into an accident. If the car didn't injure you I'm sure I could give your plastic surgeon another surgery to work with. Anyways so watch where the heck you are going unless you are dumping $100 bills out of your window as you pass by, which I would GLADLY slam on brakes and stop and pick up. Which you would think I could then fix my squealing breaks, broken window (of 3 years), new tires, inspection that is due, but I would most likely go buy a new bathing suit or maybe fill up my tank for a little East Bound trip. So for this weekend I beg you rich people to watch your ways and I'll try not and cuss you up and down the road and for goodness sakes....JUST MOVE OVER TO THE RIGHT LANE, if someone is riding your ass!!!!! I've got places to go and people to see!
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