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Just putting my point of view out there for everyone to learn about me and love me. About me I'm 30-something, living in Raleigh with friends. Just wanted a blog not about Weddings, Babies and Pets, about the other stuff in life, like Reality TV! Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, December 8

Making Moves

This day in age ladies we've got to MAKE MOVES.  Whether it's making a move on a guy, movin' up at work or movin' our butts to the gym.  I'm convinced it is all about the moves.
So there's a hottie, for some reason guys these days think since you are independent and can provide for yourself you would also like to ask guys out...NOPE!  But maybe if you don't want to be single forever we should invest in making some moves.  Maybe we can ask for digits, we can shoot a text (not 20 unanswered) or suggest coffee/drinks.  These are little moves that women these days just need to get used to.  I know it sucks ladies, where is that prince charming that rides up on his white horse or range rover, ask for directions, your phone number and your hand in marriage in one convo..ahhhhhh.  Sounds perfect to me. 

Yeah at work gotta make some moves, have to bust your butt to show you really want the job and you are willing to work hard.  Because guess what there is someone else waiting in line for that job that has been sitting at home on unemployment and ready to show how hard they can work.  So leave the drama with yo mama and move your little butt up that corporate ladder.

NOW the really hard one, moving your BUTT, literally getting your ass in shape.  Ladies guys don't like a lazy slob (me these days) they want a hottie on their arm.  So get your butt moving at the gym, around the neighborhood, to Wii dance or any other cardio activity and keep that butt cute enough for the fellas check out.
So get out there and MAKE MOVES!!!!

--Anyone wanna work out, I need motivation...haha

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