Hopefully I said something that offended you, but that makes me ask the question, Why are we so easily offended these days? Why are we so easily enraged about things? Why does social media play such and important role in our lives today? Why are you mad and ready to defriend me and not hang out with me because of something I agree or don't agree with? Do you ever stop and think, maybe I'm too quick to judge, maybe I could slow my roll, maybe I could be the bigger person and not go off in a facebook rant about these posts/opinions. Just maybe stop and think is this something I would say to someone's face? If yes, I guess feel free to be a bully mean girl on the internet because that makes you so big and bad. But that is just not the way it should be people. Did we all forget what our parents and especially grandparents taught us. Just because it's not on the internet and you can't facetime with it, doesn't mean all this good advice you learned over the years should just go out the window.
So let's start trying to be nicer to each other. Let's have fun, share meme's, forget Cam Newton's an idiot who says idiot things, stop idolizing celebrities, they are human too and make mistakes. Just enjoy the world that gave us SNAPCHAT, elastic pants, leggings as pants, spanx, pizza with flavored crust, meal deals, french fries as a side with everything, supersizing,
It's not that much harder to be NICE!
LOVE > hate
And yes people I own a T-shirt that says this... because that is what I do Graphic Tee's and God invented graphic tee's so I could share my opinion on my shirt and not just on the internet
I def. agree to " i'm not opposed to kids on leashes"!!!!