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Just putting my point of view out there for everyone to learn about me and love me. About me I'm 30-something, living in Raleigh with friends. Just wanted a blog not about Weddings, Babies and Pets, about the other stuff in life, like Reality TV! Hope you enjoy.

Friday, July 22

That Guy

So we had a post about "That Girl", so it's only fitting we have a post about "that guy".   Now that guy is a little bit different from that girl in that fact that being that guy is mostly a good thing unlike that girl.  That guy is a smooth talker, that guy has good manners, that guy is a good dresser and that would be perfect with any parent.  See on the surface TG seems to be the perfect catch.  He will always approach YOU at a bar, football game, any social setting, say something so interesting and intriguing that you are hooked in the convo.  Then you start to notice, well he's kinda cute, well dressed, very nice, smart and interacting with my friends, these are all great signs TG is a good guy!  TG always buys drinks, always has a great job and is just working his way right on up to the top.  He always has tons of friends and makes sure to say hello to everyone he knows.  That's the plan TG wants to seem friendly nice and interested in you, but let you know he is Mr. Popular and you probably aren't his only option.  He also agrees with most things you say, of course he would like to play tennis with you tomorrow, take your dogs to the dog park, grab some lunch and browse in the Lilly store, nothing would be finer on a nice afternoon. 

Now here ladies is where we have to take our stand...DON'T FALL FOR THAT CRAP!  If he really likes you and does want to play dolls/have tea/meet your parents especially your dad, why not just wait til tomorrow and see if he calls.  Then you can prove he is NOT TG :)  But as we all know how the Cinderella stories goes, we find our prince he slips on the glass slipper and we are goners, gone to his car, gone to his apartment (we hope it's his), gone to his bed, gone home in the AM :(  And guess what that night probably gone out of TG's mind forever.  Although TG is very friendly so when you text him or FB stalk him and send him a message he is going to respond because like I said TG has manners.  He will not be rude and mean and never in person either, he will say hi and have some conversation about how you ya'll never went to that ballet or concert together, yet again reeling you in making you think he cares.  Bottom line TG is a nice guy, he just can't commit to being nice to just one girl and yet again TG has slept with everyone because he is a sweet smooth talker was raised right and knows how to talk to women.  He actually doesn't know how smooth he is and how he makes all the panties drop, but he isn't turning panty droppers away either.  So ladies be ware of "That Guy" he's out there too.  TG also has a million FB friends because he is a nice guy and really tries to be friends with everyone.  So if you evaluate your friends on FB the guy with 2000+ friends in probably TG, I mean really how can anyone know that many people.

So ladies TG is always a really good listener, friend to hang out with, share drinks with (he buys remember), play tennis with, dog sit, WEDDING date (forgot to mention, he's a pretty good dancer) so overall he's a great person, just remember EVERYONE thinks he's great and not all girls have self control.  So take a look around the bar and imagine that he has probably slept with half of the girls in there and their nasty germs will be on you if you GO THERE with THAT GUY!

Have a good weekend!  And if you are looking for a good hook-up, that guy is a good choice, he's got experience!

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