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Just putting my point of view out there for everyone to learn about me and love me. About me I'm 30-something, living in Raleigh with friends. Just wanted a blog not about Weddings, Babies and Pets, about the other stuff in life, like Reality TV! Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, October 24

Baby Boomer Tech Tech Tech Boom

This is to ALL parents.. not just mine, but some of these are personal stories, but most are the same story over and over and over again I hear from friends.

All Baby Boomers should have to watch a 5 minute training video on any sort of technology they want to use.  Don't know how to work apps, watch a video, don't text me.  Don't know how to get the gamecast volume to work, watch a video don't text me... scratch that all baby boomers should have to watch a video on how to work GOOGLE!!  If you could just google it and read before asking me I guarantee you will figure it out.  You somehow you got married, had kids, maintained a steady job, take care of your elderly family, friends, etc managed to stay alive this long, I'm sure 5 more minutes on a google search will answer all of your questions.  Full disclosure, all these circumstances are not all my parents, but storied I hear from friends as well.

Also no I won't go on FB and like your friends post, who I don't know and unfriended 5 years ago and no I won't order something online for you because you only know how to call nordstrom and jcrew to order online and no I can't go find the receipt email of the purchase that was sent to your email and no I won't download all your music from your computer to your phone and no I won't call someone and get their address, it's called white pages, text or facebook messenger and no I won't go on facebook and see if you shared something you don't remember sharing and no I don't need you to send me all the articles from FB in private message and no I don't need you to comment on all my friends post and no I don't need you to comment on friends and family post that you barely know.  It's fine if you want to friend my friends.. but puuleease keep your comments to yourself, it's just annoying and if you have to ask why.. then ugh.

And Please just learn how to take a selfie....  The button on the bottom right corner of the frame actually turns the camera around.  See below.

And no "Duck Face" does not look good on you unless you are a 13 year old trying to trap old men on-line with your sexy face.  NO ONE does Duck Face anymore... ok no one with Class.  And make sure to get your 1 chin in the pic... make sure you actually get your face in the pic... and really just don't post it, we don't need to see 100 selfie's of you, don't you have anything else in your life besides yourself, but it doesn't look like that.  Do you have friends, take their pics, share their articles, make and album of all the rando pic's you have taken.  And for goodness sakes, just delete them when you are done.  I can't help with your full storage...that's a YOU problem!

Just to be clear there was no class in school that taught me how to use an iphone, I just figured it out or mostly googled it.  I was like the last one of my friends to get an iphone at the time my 70 something year old Grandad had an iphone before me.  He was a Dr., so I guess you could say he was on the cutting edge of technology and back then I was not.  I refused, I even debated getting the black berry touch screen because I just was not an "Apple Person"... wake up people the only non-Apple people on the planet are weird, non conformist or cheap.  Why on earth would you not want to connect on the same devices as everyone else... Also I am 1000% not answering any questions about galaxy, samsung, flip phones, blackberries (pretty sure they don't exist) or any other type of device that isn't an iphone.  Just open up your internet explorer and figure it out yourself.  Just to note I was down for some BBM-- if you don't know, what that is I'm not going to tell you.  Not to get confused with BBD... just to be clear.

And I still rock the AOL email address, I mean what's the point in changing, it works, it's free and I've had since my Instant Messenger days, when I picked a pretty bland name and my friends and sisters went for the more hip names.  I mean I would change my email to gmail or yahoo too if my old screenname was sweetXbabyXjane, like why did my parents let my 8 year old sister have a name like that.  Can you imagine the amount of solicitation she must've gotten with that screen name.  18/M/NJ... don't act like you don't know what that is.  Oh and chat rooms were the best, you could chat with your friends, you could chat with strangers and you could be anyone you wanted to be... I was always 20/F/SC-- I mean SC is close enough that I knew enough about the state and I was also SMART enough not to tell anyone where I lived.  And as a 20 yr old I could never been invited to the bar (and especially because I was really 14).  
Ohhh those were the days when you could be anonymous, on the internet, prank call people.  I mean what in the hell do girls do at sleepovers now, if they can't prank call people??  Is Tyron der??  If you have been my friend for any sort of amount of time you know my Tyron prank call, it was one for the record books.  Oh and the student union nurse who was ALWAYS calling about your STD results.  See kids this is what people did before the internet and facebook.  Just to go ahead and age myself I haven't already, Facebook did not exist until I graduated college.  THANK GODDDDDD.  Omg now I only have these wonderful photo albums to scroll back through and look at terrible hair cuts and boys I made out with... who I somehow snapped a pic with ON MY CAMERA... man that must've taken guts.

So the moral of the story is this.... I never had facebook growing up or a cell phone... well I would not consider a Nextel Beep Beep a cell phone.  And just look at me now, I'm a master stalker, photo uploader, snapchatter extraordinaire, non instragm skank, and I also have a finsta... if you don't know that one, then you are not cool and your kids are smarter than you.  So get with the times and learn to use google for all your questions.  I can't imagine what we did before google???
Good day Sir!

Image result for google

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