This is a long one, but meaningful post.
Diana Aycock, Jimmy Ray Eason, Jeremy Scarboro, Shawn Duren, Lee Laughinghouse, and Tracey Peel
Some of you know this list of names, but some of you don't. This isn't meant to be a sad blog, but a reassurance of life. All of the names listed above were good friends of mine that have passed away at a young age. But I like to remember the happy times. Just wanted to say a little something about them.
Diana passed away summer before 8th grade, she had an immune deficiency disorder where her body could not fight off diseases. She was a cheerleader, happy bubbly friend involved in school, community and church. The best Easter egg hunt I ever remember was at her church, she had invited me one Easter Sunday to go with her to her church and stay afterwards for the Easter egg hunt. She went to church out in the country on hwy 210 in Smithfield. We went WAY out there, which I thought was an hour away, but like 15 minutes from my house. They had this huge field where all the eggs were hidden and a play ground and just miles and miles of hidden eggs. They weren't just eggs, they had candy and money and prizes inside of them. We were a little too old to be participating in the hunt, but we were helping the kids and I was secretly getting eggs myself, I mean I was invited to HUNT! They had a big meal in the fellowship hall and then we went to Diana's house and played for a few hours. It was a great afternoon of fun and one I will never forget, it would be one of Diana's last Easters :) At her funeral they played Angels Among Us by Alabama it will always be one of my fav songs and always brings tears to my eyes (even now as I write this) and I've always known she is among us. To my first friend lost.
In high school we had two best friends that died with in one month of each other. They were both best friends with my high school boyfriend Derek. So he lost his two best friends in one month. This was a hard time for me because I was at St Marys, away at school and was not with my friends and didn't think anyone understood what I was going through. Jimmy Ray Eason was a great athlete he loved SOCCER and he was good. He was so energetic and full of life and always living on the edge. My fav memory is when we all snuck into the Selma pool one night and the girls were splashing around in the shallow end when all of a sudden coming off the pool house roof was one of the guys...running, jumping and splash into the deep end. We were like OMG, but probably like Holy Moly because OMG didn't exist. Then we hear feet again, this time here comes Jimmy Ray, running, jumping... Holy Crap, he is BUTT ASS NAKED... he had his hands like little pistols and was yelling bang bang bang bang.... splash. It was hilarious and one of the funniest moments ever, I will never forget that night and during his memorial service as I comforted two of my sobbing friends all I could think about was Jimmy Ray sitting up in those rafters of the gym yelling bang bang bang bang... and all I could do was smile knowing he was now bringing laughter to everyone in heaven. Then Jeremy Scarboro, Jimmy Ray's and Derek's other best friend was so smart and just a great guy to be around. He was in my 10th grade English class and convinced me to give Derek a thanks to Jeremy, Derek and I became BF and GF. Because if Jeremy didn't give him the green light I probably would have said no...haha. I became good friends with Jeremy that year being as we usually had to sit beside each other Royall and Scarboro usually came pretty close unless there were some Sanders in our class. He was just so nice, cracking the funniest jokes in class, making straight A's with like no effort at all, I was very jealous. Jeremy had perfect attendance all through school, went home one day sick and passed away the very next day from meningitis. It was very sad and hard to understand how it happened so quickly. But I will always remember what a great friendships these three boys had and how they were so full of life and how they touched so many people and not just at our school, but other people from other schools who turned out for their memorial services.
Lee Laughinghouse, he was the new guy in middle school. He was cool and cute and interesting. He ended up becoming one of my good friends and we even went to same college and hung out at UNCW. He was a member of CHI-PHI and my roommates and I went over there and hung out with Lee and met lots of good friends that I still keep in touch with. Lee always drove that mustang and actually let me drive it once. Lee was a great friend to go to college with. My first college crush was Lee's suite mate Chris Nye, he actually became of my really good friends althrough college and all thanks to Lee! He was my first YANKEE friend, he was from NEW JERSEY! I have one regret when it came to Lee, I started my new job on the day of Lee's funeral so I was unable to go. I did go visit his parents and his brother, but it's just not the same.
Shawn Duren whewwwwww he was THE HOTTEST boy in the 6th grade at Smithfield Middle School. The VERY first day of school, he was walking in the lunch line with Brandon Braswell, I had never seen such a hottie and I said to my friend, who is that guy and he is going to be my boyfriend. I had on this stylish outfit that consisted of jean shorts (not the cut off kind, the tight short kind), this navy blue ribbed shirt, this hot ass necklace that I bought at the beach that I'm pretty sure had a ying/yang symbol on it and some big shiny BRACES! So guess what I asked Brandon about Shawn and he asked Brandon about me and in 6th grade the rest is history...yep. There he was the hottest boy in school MY BOYFRIEND. We for sure went to the movies and held hands and made out and he was the first boy to go up my shirt!!! Haha what a big deal that was back in the day, and now I've admitted it on the Internet... haha. Shawn was on the edge of a bad boy, nothing like the guys I had grown up with and gone to school with he was hot mysterious and just the best first boyfriend a girl could ask for. As you can imagine I'm sure a few weeks later things didn't work out, but Shawn and I remained good friends all through school and several of my friends dated him down the line, but ladies I HAD HIM FIRST! Shawn died in a car wreck after college down in Wilmington, it was really sad. His funeral brought together lots of different crowds of people, which goes to show you what a great and diverse person he was!
Tracey Peele was my sister's best friend. She is the one who lived life to the fullest, probably because at a young age she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and knew she might not live to the ripe old age of a teenager. She kept pushing and pushing through life and she was the bright and beautiful young age of 22 when she passed. Tracey just liked to have fun..PEROID.... she was the most fun person I have ever been around. We had a few trips to City Limits (when I was too old to be going). She used to go on family vacations with our family and we are a fun group, but she always brought another element of fun and laughter to our group. Tracey had a tattoo on her side, basically where her lungs are that said "breathe". BEFORE MILEY CYRUS. She and her best friends had all talked about getting that same tattoo before she passed. Tracey got sick one summer and this time did not come out of the hospital and it was not looking good, she had gone into a coma. Julia came to my house and I went with her to get a tattoo, all of her friends had decided to meet and it was time to get the "breathe" tattoo. They all did it and it was beautiful. Once they were all complete they took a trip over to the hospital to visit Tracey and show her all their tattoos. Even though she was in a coma, we all know she saw the tattoos and felt the love. Tracey passed away the next day. She was a great friend, daughter and girlfriend and she will be missed everyday. Her friends have started a group that does a Great Strides walk to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis every year in Wilmington. Usually the last weekend in April in Wilmington and I think it's a great way to give back and help keep Tracey's memory alive.
I have a list of people's names on my desk that I look at everyday and reflect on their lives and how they were cut short, but still made an impact on so many people. I pray for them and their families and also for myself each day that I can live my life the the fullest and be patient with people and not let the small things get me down. It is a great way to reflect first thing and remember that each day is a new day and brings a new sense of beauty and enjoyment to your life and you are always making impressions on people even you are not paying attention.
These 6 mentioned above are the ones from my list I feel closest to. All the other's have touched my life in some way or another. Just go out there and live your life and enjoy life, like all the people I have listed.
Here is my list of reflection:
Diana Aycock, Jimmy Ray Eason, Jeremy Scarboro, Shawn Duren, Lee Laughinghouse, and Tracey Peel
Jody Parish-friend and neighbor- killed in plane crash
Mancy Moore-friend, classmate and big brother to my friend Crystal- killed in a motorcycle accident
Chuck Turlington-friend from Clayton- killed in car accident
Jon Massey-classmate killed in car accident
Chris Raynor-friend killed in car accident on his wedding day
Nathan Hewitt- classmate killed in car accident
Brannon Brady- classmate/friend- killed in a car-train accident, along with his wife and newborn baby
Quinton Brown-basketball played collapsed on the court
Cindy-played on my basketball team at SSS, shot and killed by her estranged husband, leaving 5 kids at home
Donald Worrell-basketball coach, dad to April, husband to Vivian, great mentor
Mitchel Jernigan-Softball coach since DAY 1, great dad to Lauren and Bruce, great spirit and leader- killed in motorcycle accident
Judy Avera-Another mom to me, but real mom to Carrie Dale and Brandy, practically grew up in this woman's house, they always had Popsicles!
Ann Ogburn- Another mom, but real mom to Vic and Boo, neighbors most of my life, great community leader and advocate for Johnston County Schools.
Lois Parker- 4th grade teacher and member of my church-4th grade was the hardest year for me as a girl, and I could not have made it through without this woman
Richard Williams-MY PREACHER-- he has been the preacher at my church my entire life, even when my dad was there. He is the voice of Herman the worm and just one of the nicest most sincere men I have ever met. He was one of my grandparents best friends and neighbors and been a part of my life from the beginning.
Not blogging about weddings, babies and pets, but about the other things that people enjoy in life!
About Me
- Royall Realness
- Just putting my point of view out there for everyone to learn about me and love me. About me I'm 30-something, living in Raleigh with friends. Just wanted a blog not about Weddings, Babies and Pets, about the other stuff in life, like Reality TV! Hope you enjoy.
Sunday, July 31
Saturday, July 30
The Cool table
In school everyone knows about the cool table. You always want to be at cool table during lunch. Most people have seen Mean Girls and know how the lunch room break down goes. The sad thing is some people never grow out of that.
Your first expedience probably came in middle school. Why is that? WHY in middle school do all of sudden the people you have grown up with and gone to school with your whole life change into different groups. There is the popular crowd, the band geeks, the nerds, the trouble makers, the outcast, the sluts, the athletes etc... some of these cross boundaries and how quickly you can go from one group to the other. Is it hormones, is it block scheduling, is it school sports teams? These are the main things that change when entering middle school. Just looking back at middle school just makes me wonder why did it all change there?
Oh middle school I would've had said I'm not in a group, I felt like I had lots of different friends, I played sports and was involved in school activities. Apparently someone told me that meant I was in the popular group, where nothing went wrong and I thought I was friends with everyone. So I guess I was, I mean the Principal's daughter was one of my BFF's...if that doesn't get you in the cool club I don't know what does. But yet I was also in the band, but in middle school being in the bad was cool because you got to get out of class for a week and go to FLORIDA! One time My band teacher bet our class $5 that no one could say the ABC's backwards... being the ever smart ass that I was, bolted to my feet and proceeded ZYXWVUTSRUPOMNLKJIHGFEDCBA.... thanks to Ms. Stancil's kindergarden class that is something I had known how to do since the beginning and $5 of Mr. Windley's money in my pocket! So I was for sure cool and a smartass, which would eventually get me into a weee whittle bit of trouble in middle school... those were some rough years my mom always reminds me.
Then high school and I remember not really being nervous on the first day except about where was I going to sit in the lunch room...what if none of my friends has first lunch what would I do. Amy and I tried all summer to get someone to take us to school because we were NOT riding with our parents. Finally Matthew agreed to give us two freshmeat a ride and he had a good parking spot (which also denotes cool status). So making our way around the school I found all my classes and lots of friends in all of them.... dun dun dun dun then it was lunch time. I walked in with one of my friends and prayed to the Gods someone would ask us to sit with them... Hey over here!! YES YES YES we were IN and not only we were in, but we were in at the COOLEST table with all the seniors!!! This was the beginning of the end if only we knew now what we knew then... we probably would have done NOTHING different. We ruled that school from day 1. You know when the senior girls refer/hate the freshman girls as a group, you've gotten to them. You've gotten to their guys!! Yep we were taking over those senior boys and it didn't take long!
So my advice as a young person, make friends with the cool group and maintain that friendship for several years and then you will be the COOL TABLE kids and people will want to sit with YOU, then you know you have made it. Plus it just makes things a lot easier. Sorry for all you not cool table kids who thought this was gonna have some happy ending where I said let's all be friends.... NOPE. And to that one girl YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE... the one who wrote Carrie Dale a mean email before our ten year reunion and said Carrie Dale made your life hell and she was so mean to you. YOU DESERVED it.. you were a dirty slut and no one really liked you and the boys only liked you because you put out and your hair was BAD, REALLY bad and you were like 8 feet tall and not hot and NOT AT THE COOL TABLE EVER!
This was a random, but something today struck me with this thought, I know some of you aren't going to like it... well get over it, because you are probably out there with a better job and life than me anyway and when you see me, you can tell me to suck it! Probably you're not coolness as a young person motivated you to do great things in life and persevere above those who put you down and that is AWESOME!
Here's a pic of the coolest kids I know!
Your first expedience probably came in middle school. Why is that? WHY in middle school do all of sudden the people you have grown up with and gone to school with your whole life change into different groups. There is the popular crowd, the band geeks, the nerds, the trouble makers, the outcast, the sluts, the athletes etc... some of these cross boundaries and how quickly you can go from one group to the other. Is it hormones, is it block scheduling, is it school sports teams? These are the main things that change when entering middle school. Just looking back at middle school just makes me wonder why did it all change there?
Oh middle school I would've had said I'm not in a group, I felt like I had lots of different friends, I played sports and was involved in school activities. Apparently someone told me that meant I was in the popular group, where nothing went wrong and I thought I was friends with everyone. So I guess I was, I mean the Principal's daughter was one of my BFF's...if that doesn't get you in the cool club I don't know what does. But yet I was also in the band, but in middle school being in the bad was cool because you got to get out of class for a week and go to FLORIDA! One time My band teacher bet our class $5 that no one could say the ABC's backwards... being the ever smart ass that I was, bolted to my feet and proceeded ZYXWVUTSRUPOMNLKJIHGFEDCBA.... thanks to Ms. Stancil's kindergarden class that is something I had known how to do since the beginning and $5 of Mr. Windley's money in my pocket! So I was for sure cool and a smartass, which would eventually get me into a weee whittle bit of trouble in middle school... those were some rough years my mom always reminds me.
Then high school and I remember not really being nervous on the first day except about where was I going to sit in the lunch room...what if none of my friends has first lunch what would I do. Amy and I tried all summer to get someone to take us to school because we were NOT riding with our parents. Finally Matthew agreed to give us two freshmeat a ride and he had a good parking spot (which also denotes cool status). So making our way around the school I found all my classes and lots of friends in all of them.... dun dun dun dun then it was lunch time. I walked in with one of my friends and prayed to the Gods someone would ask us to sit with them... Hey over here!! YES YES YES we were IN and not only we were in, but we were in at the COOLEST table with all the seniors!!! This was the beginning of the end if only we knew now what we knew then... we probably would have done NOTHING different. We ruled that school from day 1. You know when the senior girls refer/hate the freshman girls as a group, you've gotten to them. You've gotten to their guys!! Yep we were taking over those senior boys and it didn't take long!
So my advice as a young person, make friends with the cool group and maintain that friendship for several years and then you will be the COOL TABLE kids and people will want to sit with YOU, then you know you have made it. Plus it just makes things a lot easier. Sorry for all you not cool table kids who thought this was gonna have some happy ending where I said let's all be friends.... NOPE. And to that one girl YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE... the one who wrote Carrie Dale a mean email before our ten year reunion and said Carrie Dale made your life hell and she was so mean to you. YOU DESERVED it.. you were a dirty slut and no one really liked you and the boys only liked you because you put out and your hair was BAD, REALLY bad and you were like 8 feet tall and not hot and NOT AT THE COOL TABLE EVER!
This was a random, but something today struck me with this thought, I know some of you aren't going to like it... well get over it, because you are probably out there with a better job and life than me anyway and when you see me, you can tell me to suck it! Probably you're not coolness as a young person motivated you to do great things in life and persevere above those who put you down and that is AWESOME!
Here's a pic of the coolest kids I know!
Wednesday, July 27
Back that Thang up
Why do people feel the need to back their cars into spots????? WHY??? I mean everyday at work this new Camero, Honda and even a 4 runner have to back in. I mean really, our parking lot is not that busy. If you are at a concert, sporting event or something of massive proportions then I can understand why you would want to back in, in order to get out sooner and not have to do all that backing when there is tons of traffic around. At the mall, at your work, at your doctor or just running errands there is no need for backing in.
So I've tried to think of what could be the reason's for this.
-Maybe your car is less likely to get hit while facing forward, maybe your car's grill piece is really scary and will therefore make others not want to park next to you.
-Maybe you have some awesome rear view mirror ornament that might resemble a voodoo doll that would ward off unwanted visitors. I would be totally scared to park next to someone that had all that crazy stuff hanging in their car, fear they would turn me into a cat or curse my car to wreck itself.
-Maybe you just got some cool racing stripes put on your Honda and you want to show those babies off. I mean it did take you 4 weeks of selling your stuff on eBay to come up with money to afford those stripes and why not want everyone seen them all the time.
-Maybe you just think your car is better than mine and want to park your car forward so you can show you are superior to my car and ultimately me.
-Maybe you were dropped as a child and just do everything backwards because that is the only way you can do it.
-Maybe you got one of those bad flu shots and that makes you walk backwards and therefore you are confused when parking and park forward.
-Maybe you have awesome spinners on your rims and if you swing your car around in a tight parking lot and whip it in backward those babies will spin for hours!!! I'm pretty sure this is the best answer.
So if anyone out there has a better idea of why people do this, please let me know. Why can't you just be like the rest of us and park your car normal. Because next time if you get in my way and make me wait so you can back your piece of shit hooptie into a spot.... I'm pretty sure I'm going to plow you and throw you and all your drug money out of that front seat... and see who wants to call cops.
Sooo please stop wasting my time and park like the rest of the world.
So I've tried to think of what could be the reason's for this.
-Maybe your car is less likely to get hit while facing forward, maybe your car's grill piece is really scary and will therefore make others not want to park next to you.
-Maybe you have some awesome rear view mirror ornament that might resemble a voodoo doll that would ward off unwanted visitors. I would be totally scared to park next to someone that had all that crazy stuff hanging in their car, fear they would turn me into a cat or curse my car to wreck itself.
-Maybe you just got some cool racing stripes put on your Honda and you want to show those babies off. I mean it did take you 4 weeks of selling your stuff on eBay to come up with money to afford those stripes and why not want everyone seen them all the time.
-Maybe you just think your car is better than mine and want to park your car forward so you can show you are superior to my car and ultimately me.
-Maybe you were dropped as a child and just do everything backwards because that is the only way you can do it.
-Maybe you got one of those bad flu shots and that makes you walk backwards and therefore you are confused when parking and park forward.
-Maybe you have awesome spinners on your rims and if you swing your car around in a tight parking lot and whip it in backward those babies will spin for hours!!! I'm pretty sure this is the best answer.
So if anyone out there has a better idea of why people do this, please let me know. Why can't you just be like the rest of us and park your car normal. Because next time if you get in my way and make me wait so you can back your piece of shit hooptie into a spot.... I'm pretty sure I'm going to plow you and throw you and all your drug money out of that front seat... and see who wants to call cops.
Sooo please stop wasting my time and park like the rest of the world.
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You've got the mail man doing it |
Tuesday, July 26
Debt Doctor
Today I'm feeling a little less silly and a lot more older and wiser. And well since I'll be 30 soon, just thought I would share 30 years worth of stuff I wish someone had told me and just maybe this can help your life.
First off let me say to half of my friends this won't apply to you because your families are rich. But if you don't have make it on your own, then don't. I'm all for free rides/help from the parents, just share the love and buy me a few drinks now and again.
So this came about because recently I consolidated my life, almost everything into ONE payment, it's awesome. And in three years I'll hopefully be debt free. And well my goal was to always be debt free by the time I got married or turned 30... the 30 dream is gone (unless I win the lottery in the next 6 months), and since I've had no takers on my marriage proposals I guess it could still happen.
But to the rest of you guys out there just trying to make it out there on your own, here's what I have to say. Just don't buy RANDOM shit, because your friends will buy it and you can use theirs or they'll get tired of it and give it to you. I have some really nice shirts, necklaces, purses, shoes, prom dresses etc that have all come to me by the "FREE-way"! Thanks to all my rich friends again out there. And my mom who buys a purse and gets tired of it after like a month :)
You do not have to have a cool big car, unless you work for a carpool group or moving company. Save your money and your gas. Plus YOU always have to take your car on trips, to concerts, nights out because you can fit everyone. SO having a small crappy car gets you out of having to be the driver sooooo many times. Just ask my sister JULIA (shout out)... Jane and I refuse to ride in her car, A-because it's small and B-because it's usually dirty. So who is the smart one now, it's Julia because we ALWAYS take my car because it's the biggest, the cleanest and can fit all of us comfortably.
You do not need the newest best mac book, i-pad, LAP TOP out there. Guess what most of the stuff you do, you do on your phone. And you don't need a $1500 piece of equipment aka additional payment just to play on facebook and have your pictures upload faster. So use your dumb college issued computer until it dies. Unless of course you work from home and have some great business that you need to be on the computer all the time, then this whole blog probably doesn't apply to you anyway. Here is another example of using your ROOMMATES stuff!
Designer jeans....I'm sorry but unless you are like size 2-6 these usually don't look all that great on you and you should save your $200. I know you wear these so other people will notice your A pockets, seams, etc but really only girls know what that means and yes sometimes we are trying to impress other girls... but really WE are not in MEAN girls anymore, so get over it. Buy what fits you and what is comfortable... OR go to TJ MaxX, Nordstroms Rack, Filene's basement or E-bay and pick out a good pair for a discount price.... OR find a friend that got F-A-T and can't fit in hers anymore and offer to take them off her hands. You wouldn't want her getting sad everyday staring at $1000 worth of jeans she can't fit into. You are doing both of you guys a favor.
And let's go back to teenage years. Save Save all that money you make babysitting, lemonade stands, gas money from your parents (remember other people are driving), summer jobs, b-day money and live cheaply for a few years and it will be amazing the amount of money you could save and start a savings account and YES you can make money on money...who ever knew that as a teenager. Also if you are hot, let the boys buy the beer, the fair tickets, the movie tickets, and food.
SO there are lots of ways to save and not spend money on stupid stuff and realize at 30 that you have no money and work your ASS off. So hopefully at 33 I'll still be writing and I can do a f/u and tell you how much greater life is being debt free. Until then I'm still the cheap-ass funny friend.
Monday, July 25
Biotchy Bridesmaids :)
Have ever watched an episode of Say Yes the Dress? They have 4 versions Say Yes the Dress(original, in NY), Say yes to the Dress: Atlanta, Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids and Say Yes to the Dress: Big Bliss (plus size). These are great shows and if you are getting married, in a wedding or having a friend or relative getting married you should watch these shows. Original/Atlanta are both great shows and give you some insight into what these consultants go through and they really are there to help you, but the biggest lesson learned from these shows is "DON"T TAKE SO MANY PEOPLE TO THE APPOINTMENT" The more people, the more opinions the more chaos and ultimately the more tears. And please don't take your fiance, I don't care if he is secretly gay and wants to help you pick out your dress.. NO NO NO he's just imagining what HE might look like in that dress or either you are totally spoiling the surprise and let's face it there aren't many surprises left these days by the time people get married... we do get the occasional Virgin couple or "born again bride"... meaning they are not virgins, but are virgins to each other and have decided to wait til they are married... BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Ok and also don't take your dad or your brother... you dad should simply send the check and the budget amount! Your brother will hate you for making him go there and you think your brother gives a crap about what you are wearing, he is just thinking about scoring with your friends after the wedding :)
Ok, a brief on BIG BLISS... my personal fav because you actually get to see emotions and people happy when they find a dress that will fit, some of them are so worried they won't have a dress that will fit. Most of them are so confident in themselves as big women and I think it's great for people out there to see. Some of them are so sad and depressed it's makes you feel bad for them, but you feel so great for them when they get so excited and find a dress and are crying and actually feel beautiful for the first time. The only negative I have to say about this show is BIG GIRLS SHOULD NOT WEAR A MERMAID STYLE DRESS... you look kinda like a pig stuffed in a sausage wrapper... it's pretty gross... so avoid that.
Now to the newest and most exciting, BRIDESMAIDS! DO NOT I repeat DO NOT take your entire bridal party to pick out dresses on your first trip to look at dresses. My advice, go with your maid of honor, your mom, your best friend, pick one of those and just you two and browse your little life away and pick out like 3-4 styles that you really like and then invite everyone else to come and look and try them on and voice their opinion. If you know what kinda of look you are going for then just go ahead and pick out a dress and email it to all your girls, have them go get sized and order the sucka. NO MATTER what you do all the dresses are not going to look good on everyone and not everyone is going to like them. BUT here's to all the BIOTCHES out there and most of you are on Say yes to the dress:Bridesmaids and some in some previous weddings I have been in... Shut your mouth, it's NOT YOUR DAY! If your bridesmaids are really your friends they will wear what you choose and what you think would look good on them and coordinate with your wedding.
I have had some bad ones in the past that were not the most beautiful on me, I complained a little, got it out of my system. But when the day came I put on the dress and put on my SMILE and made that Cornflower blue, too tight black strapless, hunter green halter, rhinestone belt, broken buckle shoes, totally not sweat proof rose bud, full length champagne, floor length black DRESS look the best I could. Also after a few cocktails who cares anyway!
Pic's of dresses to follow... yes just like 27 dresses....these are a few of the beauties...look how much fun I'm having.
Ok and also don't take your dad or your brother... you dad should simply send the check and the budget amount! Your brother will hate you for making him go there and you think your brother gives a crap about what you are wearing, he is just thinking about scoring with your friends after the wedding :)
Ok, a brief on BIG BLISS... my personal fav because you actually get to see emotions and people happy when they find a dress that will fit, some of them are so worried they won't have a dress that will fit. Most of them are so confident in themselves as big women and I think it's great for people out there to see. Some of them are so sad and depressed it's makes you feel bad for them, but you feel so great for them when they get so excited and find a dress and are crying and actually feel beautiful for the first time. The only negative I have to say about this show is BIG GIRLS SHOULD NOT WEAR A MERMAID STYLE DRESS... you look kinda like a pig stuffed in a sausage wrapper... it's pretty gross... so avoid that.
Now to the newest and most exciting, BRIDESMAIDS! DO NOT I repeat DO NOT take your entire bridal party to pick out dresses on your first trip to look at dresses. My advice, go with your maid of honor, your mom, your best friend, pick one of those and just you two and browse your little life away and pick out like 3-4 styles that you really like and then invite everyone else to come and look and try them on and voice their opinion. If you know what kinda of look you are going for then just go ahead and pick out a dress and email it to all your girls, have them go get sized and order the sucka. NO MATTER what you do all the dresses are not going to look good on everyone and not everyone is going to like them. BUT here's to all the BIOTCHES out there and most of you are on Say yes to the dress:Bridesmaids and some in some previous weddings I have been in... Shut your mouth, it's NOT YOUR DAY! If your bridesmaids are really your friends they will wear what you choose and what you think would look good on them and coordinate with your wedding.
I have had some bad ones in the past that were not the most beautiful on me, I complained a little, got it out of my system. But when the day came I put on the dress and put on my SMILE and made that Cornflower blue, too tight black strapless, hunter green halter, rhinestone belt, broken buckle shoes, totally not sweat proof rose bud, full length champagne, floor length black DRESS look the best I could. Also after a few cocktails who cares anyway!
Pic's of dresses to follow... yes just like 27 dresses....these are a few of the beauties...look how much fun I'm having.
Sunday, July 24
Do you have friends?
Are you ever in a public place and just browsing around and notice all the eccentric people around and how they are dressed? Well this is what I call a shift at Mitchell's. I love people watching and let me tell you the front desk at Mitchell's is prime location, right by Kanki, middle of the mall, under the parking deck.... yep we are a winner location! So as I'm working.. NOT.. doing my people magazine crossword puzzle I start to notice things. Things I don't see on a daily basis and things people SHOULD NOT see on a daily basis. You can just image, but I'll try and describe. A busty 20 something girl, probably wearing a bra from Limited TOO and a T-shirt from baby Gap...get the pic. Then there are all shades of hairstyles the most prevalent is hot pink, yes the most famous non-regular hair color is HOT PINK. So if you are trying to be cool and different HOT PINK is not the way to go because I'm telling you all the girls are the mall are sporting it and you are not original. There are also an enormous amount of mother daughter look alikes... and I MEAN just a like. Daughter has BLEACHED/WHITE blonde hair (black roots) and so does the mom, daughter has on acid wash jean shorts and mom is trying to sport some version of jorts, both have on wedges and some sort of design T-shirt that says something like BITCH and I'm with can guess which one the mom is wearing. Then the dudes they range from the tightest pair of pants I have ever seen that would not fit an anorexic 13 year old girl, yet you can squeeze your twig and berries up in there... G-ROSS. And then opposite "sagging" with your drawers showing out of the top of your pants and, your t-shirt kinda tucked in your underwear, I guess to prove you are wearing them. Then you have some sort of sports T-shirt on (the team if you woulda gone pro), with your matching cap, turned to the side and your Afro poof sticking out the side. I get kinda scared to look at these guys, because (stereotyping here) they are probably in a gang, and they know where I work and will bust a cap in my ass.
So the point of all this is DO YOU HAVE FRIENDS? Do you have friends that tell you these outfits look bad. Do you have friends that tell you your pants are too tight, too low, your back fat is hanging out, your butt checks are showing, I can see your 9 months preggers belly and your not preggers, see your muffin tops, your non brushed nappy hair etc. I'm guessing not, because if my friends let me out of the house looking like half of these people, we would not be friends anymore. So friends out there stand up and tell your friend they look like SHIT when they look like SHIT, trust me you are doing them and the rest of the world a favor. Although you are probably going to lessen my excitement at Mitchell's, but there is always US weekly!
So the point of all this is DO YOU HAVE FRIENDS? Do you have friends that tell you these outfits look bad. Do you have friends that tell you your pants are too tight, too low, your back fat is hanging out, your butt checks are showing, I can see your 9 months preggers belly and your not preggers, see your muffin tops, your non brushed nappy hair etc. I'm guessing not, because if my friends let me out of the house looking like half of these people, we would not be friends anymore. So friends out there stand up and tell your friend they look like SHIT when they look like SHIT, trust me you are doing them and the rest of the world a favor. Although you are probably going to lessen my excitement at Mitchell's, but there is always US weekly!
Friday, July 22
That Guy
So we had a post about "That Girl", so it's only fitting we have a post about "that guy". Now that guy is a little bit different from that girl in that fact that being that guy is mostly a good thing unlike that girl. That guy is a smooth talker, that guy has good manners, that guy is a good dresser and that would be perfect with any parent. See on the surface TG seems to be the perfect catch. He will always approach YOU at a bar, football game, any social setting, say something so interesting and intriguing that you are hooked in the convo. Then you start to notice, well he's kinda cute, well dressed, very nice, smart and interacting with my friends, these are all great signs TG is a good guy! TG always buys drinks, always has a great job and is just working his way right on up to the top. He always has tons of friends and makes sure to say hello to everyone he knows. That's the plan TG wants to seem friendly nice and interested in you, but let you know he is Mr. Popular and you probably aren't his only option. He also agrees with most things you say, of course he would like to play tennis with you tomorrow, take your dogs to the dog park, grab some lunch and browse in the Lilly store, nothing would be finer on a nice afternoon.
Now here ladies is where we have to take our stand...DON'T FALL FOR THAT CRAP! If he really likes you and does want to play dolls/have tea/meet your parents especially your dad, why not just wait til tomorrow and see if he calls. Then you can prove he is NOT TG :) But as we all know how the Cinderella stories goes, we find our prince he slips on the glass slipper and we are goners, gone to his car, gone to his apartment (we hope it's his), gone to his bed, gone home in the AM :( And guess what that night probably gone out of TG's mind forever. Although TG is very friendly so when you text him or FB stalk him and send him a message he is going to respond because like I said TG has manners. He will not be rude and mean and never in person either, he will say hi and have some conversation about how you ya'll never went to that ballet or concert together, yet again reeling you in making you think he cares. Bottom line TG is a nice guy, he just can't commit to being nice to just one girl and yet again TG has slept with everyone because he is a sweet smooth talker was raised right and knows how to talk to women. He actually doesn't know how smooth he is and how he makes all the panties drop, but he isn't turning panty droppers away either. So ladies be ware of "That Guy" he's out there too. TG also has a million FB friends because he is a nice guy and really tries to be friends with everyone. So if you evaluate your friends on FB the guy with 2000+ friends in probably TG, I mean really how can anyone know that many people.
So ladies TG is always a really good listener, friend to hang out with, share drinks with (he buys remember), play tennis with, dog sit, WEDDING date (forgot to mention, he's a pretty good dancer) so overall he's a great person, just remember EVERYONE thinks he's great and not all girls have self control. So take a look around the bar and imagine that he has probably slept with half of the girls in there and their nasty germs will be on you if you GO THERE with THAT GUY!
Have a good weekend! And if you are looking for a good hook-up, that guy is a good choice, he's got experience!
Now here ladies is where we have to take our stand...DON'T FALL FOR THAT CRAP! If he really likes you and does want to play dolls/have tea/meet your parents especially your dad, why not just wait til tomorrow and see if he calls. Then you can prove he is NOT TG :) But as we all know how the Cinderella stories goes, we find our prince he slips on the glass slipper and we are goners, gone to his car, gone to his apartment (we hope it's his), gone to his bed, gone home in the AM :( And guess what that night probably gone out of TG's mind forever. Although TG is very friendly so when you text him or FB stalk him and send him a message he is going to respond because like I said TG has manners. He will not be rude and mean and never in person either, he will say hi and have some conversation about how you ya'll never went to that ballet or concert together, yet again reeling you in making you think he cares. Bottom line TG is a nice guy, he just can't commit to being nice to just one girl and yet again TG has slept with everyone because he is a sweet smooth talker was raised right and knows how to talk to women. He actually doesn't know how smooth he is and how he makes all the panties drop, but he isn't turning panty droppers away either. So ladies be ware of "That Guy" he's out there too. TG also has a million FB friends because he is a nice guy and really tries to be friends with everyone. So if you evaluate your friends on FB the guy with 2000+ friends in probably TG, I mean really how can anyone know that many people.
So ladies TG is always a really good listener, friend to hang out with, share drinks with (he buys remember), play tennis with, dog sit, WEDDING date (forgot to mention, he's a pretty good dancer) so overall he's a great person, just remember EVERYONE thinks he's great and not all girls have self control. So take a look around the bar and imagine that he has probably slept with half of the girls in there and their nasty germs will be on you if you GO THERE with THAT GUY!
Have a good weekend! And if you are looking for a good hook-up, that guy is a good choice, he's got experience!
Wednesday, July 20
That Girl
Everyone knows "that girl", that girl that is too flirty, that girl who hangs all over everyone, that girl who thinks she is best friends all the guys, that girl who blows up everyone's facebook wall, that girl everyone has hooked up with. Well my friend J and I have determined a new way of picking out potential guys. First and foremost you must always stalk their facebook profile and immediately go to mutual friends and if he is friends with "that girl", then adios! Yep, and especially if she blows up his wall and is all over that, for sure something you don't want a part of. I mean there are always nights when we have had too much to drink, the problem is "that girl" is sooo desperate she will go home with anyone... so everyone has probably hooked up with "TG". Because in the am, when you try to kick "TG" out of bed (or that pm if you are a real jerk/realize what just happened) she is immediately going home and friending you on facebook and probably writing what a wonderful time she had with you.... that let's us all know you hooked up with "TG". Because she does not have enough self respect to wait for you to friend her and because secretly she knows that you won't. So no one wants to date/hook-up with "TG's" leftovers, so forget about it...unfriend that hooker and help yourself with all the awesome FB stalker ladies out there.
Also don't say you are friends with "TG" because you are so nice and friends with everyone.... BS if you were so nice then you would've called me back, would not have hooked up with my sister/best friend/cousin and most certainly wouldn't have told all your friends about it.
So fellas out there avoid "TG" and in every circle she is different and there could be more than one in any circle. I most def could've been "TG" in someones circle, and hopefully in the PAST and hopefully lots of people didn't notice.
So "THAT GIRL" this is a warning to you, NO ONE really likes you, so just quit your fake bullshit and be the person you really are, more likely to have a lot more real friends. Just stop trying so hard to fit in, because you don't and you won't :( Sorry sad face, but most people realize when people are being themselves, so just accept who you are and try each day to better yourself and I'm sure someone out there will like you....eventually... there always has to be "THAT GUY" out there and maybe you two can find each other and bring smiles and rainbows to everyone around.
Also don't say you are friends with "TG" because you are so nice and friends with everyone.... BS if you were so nice then you would've called me back, would not have hooked up with my sister/best friend/cousin and most certainly wouldn't have told all your friends about it.
So fellas out there avoid "TG" and in every circle she is different and there could be more than one in any circle. I most def could've been "TG" in someones circle, and hopefully in the PAST and hopefully lots of people didn't notice.
So "THAT GIRL" this is a warning to you, NO ONE really likes you, so just quit your fake bullshit and be the person you really are, more likely to have a lot more real friends. Just stop trying so hard to fit in, because you don't and you won't :( Sorry sad face, but most people realize when people are being themselves, so just accept who you are and try each day to better yourself and I'm sure someone out there will like you....eventually... there always has to be "THAT GUY" out there and maybe you two can find each other and bring smiles and rainbows to everyone around.
Monday, July 18
Loose on the Neuse
Well that is exactly what is was, LOOSE ON THE NEUSE! And boy did everyone cut loose. Let me give a little background here. I have some peeps that started the "Float", what you do is get a bunch of rafts and float down the NASTY neuse as we Smithfield people call it, but I guess a little further upstream, water is water and you just have fun in it. Although the water up there seems a little different than the chocolate milk that floats by the Little Brown Jug and Neuse Little Theater, just saying. So anyway, now thanks to FB, you just make a little invite on there and send to everyone you know to bring your float and your beer and just hang out and float down the river on the 3rd Saturday in July (if you are interested for next year). So we gather bright and early, around 7:30am at the finishing point. Please make sure to bring only what you need, do not blow up your float prior to arrival, sunscreen, snacks, no towels (no room) and don't forget the extra float for your COOLER!! So we get shuttled down to the drop off/put in point...because it's really smart to have your cars so accessible when drunkenly getting out of the chocolate milk :) But I guess it is the best plan because no one else wants to be responsible for your drunk ass once you are off the river.... even if you knee is gushing blood and you just can't seem to get your feet on those rocks and make it out of the river and you sure as heck can't find your flip flops, your cooler or your float. Oh well, I used my Koozie as a band aid, flip flops were old navy $5 because somehow I knew that would happen, my beer was in Stuart's cooler (you're welcome, although I prob drank most of them since you were drinking water down the last stretch) and yeah well my float did make it into my car but our other two passengers abandoned ship!
So there is also an award for who has the best float and this year it went to a group of guys who built a tiki bar/well thing that housed a KEG... yep that's right folks, we in the country can figure out how to build a float that can float a KEG of beer down the river! Awesome they deserved the win! Although there were some other really awesome floats and could compare some Masonboro masterpieces! There was a 9 seater float, with a tailgate tent on top, several 6 seaters and one seadoo float that looked like a giant hot tub and played music!
So you blow up your floats, get down in the chocolate milk, tie up with your besties, or people you can stand to be beside, get peed on by, dunked in chocolate milk, and possibly puked on because you are stuck with those people for like 5-6 hours... .yes that is how long it takes. Although there are stops along the way, there is a rope swing, where guys like to show their manhood and climb up so very high and do flips and shit and act like they are not hurt when they smack face first into the water. There is also a little bank where the awesome JOSH paddles ahead and cooks HOT DOGS... and should you ask, but yes they are RED! Then there is alittle rapids, tiny little spot to go through, so when you have 10 floats tied together, IT'S AWESOME, so hold onto your beer.
And it would not be a trip to C-TOWN or a day without CLAYTON peeps with out a good FIGHT! That's right folks, fist were flying, chocolate milk a splashing and good ole KING OF MOUNTAIN ensued...too bad I was a little to far ahead to this see. Don't worry it almost started up again at the departure point. I'm just convinced the equation of CLAYTON BOYS + BEER= FIGHTING! It's just a proven fact, just everyone think about any spring break in history...oh yes the Clayton peeps over in "The Beverly" hotel would always wanna meet Smithfield peeps on the beach and whoop ass. But that is so long ago, but glad to see the tradition continues!
So happy floating ya'll, get your floats, your beers, your peers, your brass knuckles (kidding, really kidding) and just enjoy some good old fun and conversation without Blackberry's, i-pods, laptops etc.... Sometimes it's fun to turn that shit off and ENJOY LIFE and NATURE!!!
There's the keg in the well looking thing |
another photo of keg |
Empty KEG |
Little Rapids, boys watching us get tossed around |
Group blowing up floats for departure |
Rope Swing!! |
A little Shotgun and Beach Ball on the river |
Thursday, July 7
White Marlin
White Marlin Relaxin' |
So on this latest fishing trip I decided my calling in life is the be the first white girl country rapper and my name is going to be White Marlin and I'm going to rap about fishing, country stuff and girl stuff. I might wear a chain and for my first purchase might have to be a know what I mean with the word HOLD'N in diamond across the front. I will also be filming my first video on the Chainlink, Kim Booker will be my official photographer, my Reel Hookers will be my back up dances, Jim and Carrie Dale will follow us on their boat and be the filmers and Samantha Screech Powers will be our film director because let's face it she is the only person I know with expeirence.
Ok so maybe I'll put my first rap out there right now and about my first fishing trip.
My name is White Marlin and I'm here to say
You just can't fish like this every single day
Got my reel hookers and we paid our money
Had our first mate get rid of his HoneyWe loaded up the Chainlink and we're headed Deep
I got my chick fila sandwichs and my peeps
Ballyhoo's all strung up and ready to go
Later on there might be some booty's shaking low
We have to set out before that sun be risin'
Sixty miles out, seeing nuttin' but horizon
Eight thirty am and we're putting lines in
Hopin' we catchin' that big blue Mar-lin
I'm gonna get cha, I'm gonna get chaLook out fishies cause I'm gonna get cha
Fighting that Fighting Chair |
Oh shit, Fish on, whose turn.. DEB-BIE
She's a reeln' real hard, get that fish in da boat
Damn a big fish, gonna get a C-note
Up in the boat Jonathan brings our first Marlin
With these reel hookers, don't be calling us darlin'
Oh Shit, Fish on, whose turn, it's Ashley
Her booty working hard in the fightin' chair
Got another big one, didn't mess up her hair
She's a tossin' and turn' and fighting hard
She's a big deal, might need a bodyguard
Oh Shit, Fish on, whose turn, THERE'S TWO
Dawn looks over, says it's me and YOU
"D" takes that sucker up to the bowI'm on the back, Ralph's backing down
Double Header, that's right we got us a pair
Cold beer, deep breath, love that salty air
Oh Shit, Fish On, whose turn, TWO AGAIN
Georgia and Lori, gonna make us win
G tosses her drink, right over the side
Lori's not gonna be a bow ornament this timeThese two timers are champs and hookers
Other boats are swarming, lot's of onlookers
7 white Marlins on our tourney trip
That's really makes us all wanna strip
So we string our bikini tops on the lines
Marlin flags all lined up ready to shine
We round the corner, bout to back it in
Victory Flags |
Reel Hookers, raise your glass and show that grin
So all you fellas out there lookin' for a hookerI got 6 of them and they are all real lookers
They can hold the pole and reel 'em in
They can shake their booty and drink that gin
So give us a call if need a good time
We'll make sure there's Marlin on you lines!
Bikini tops |
Reel Hookers Relaxin' |
There's lots of fishies in the sea...or there WAS!
Ha I went on my first deep sea fishing trip this past weekend with my lady friends and our team is named the "Reel Hookers" and that is just what we did. We had the "CHAINLINK" boat chartered out of Morehead City for the Cape Fear Marlin Tournament out of Wrightsville Beach. It was a great first experience for me. I went with my old roomie Ashley, her aunt Georgia, her friends Dawn, Debbie and Lori! So this tournament is a lot different than big rock, we are basically the only ladies around, and def the only ladies fishing team. The first day we caught 3 dolphin and 1 white Marlin. The second day we set records and caught 6 white marlins and they were all double headers (which mean two at a time)...pretty much the same meaning in the REAL Hooker world...haha I guess, I've never been a hooker and certainly not for two people at once which is what I would assume a double header is...or maybe something I learned on Law and Order:SVU. You are always learning some new stuff on that show. But anyways back to our story, we fished 2 out of 3 days and we were done by the first two days. Then we just had to sit and wait for the last day of fishing. And Guess what WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so awesome, my first trip and to be that lucky. I'm addicted. And the people at the tournament were so nice, not that snobby rich ladies from big rock. People were actually excited for us. So it was a great trip.
So I've been so busy and in such a great mood lately, I haven't written any blogs. I promise to get back to it.
Here are some pic's. And of course I couldn't forget my favorite holiday JULY 4th!!! I have a pic to represent and Kim and I went on the boat with Jim and Carrie to Mason's inlet and it was awesome as always, to cap off a great weekend.
So I've been so busy and in such a great mood lately, I haven't written any blogs. I promise to get back to it.
Here are some pic's. And of course I couldn't forget my favorite holiday JULY 4th!!! I have a pic to represent and Kim and I went on the boat with Jim and Carrie to Mason's inlet and it was awesome as always, to cap off a great weekend.
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