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Just putting my point of view out there for everyone to learn about me and love me. About me I'm 30-something, living in Raleigh with friends. Just wanted a blog not about Weddings, Babies and Pets, about the other stuff in life, like Reality TV! Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, May 18


Somethings in life just are NOT OK.   There is this little thing called Dress code that we learned back in grade school, although most of us didn't meet up with Mr. Dress code until middle school when our finger tips didn't quite meet the end of our skirts/shorts and we were sent home or made to change into our gym clothes.  Well let me tell you that dress codes extend past middle and high school, in fact there is a dress code of LIFE and I would like to share a few things that are NOT OK in the dress code of life handbook.  We'll just start with stretch pants.  Ok if you are going to work out, walk the dog, play with your kid in the yard or just stay in your house stretch pants are OK.  If you are going to work or just out in public NOT OK.  I know you have packed on a few extra lb's since high school (what like 20 years ago) but I'm sorry 100 lbs is not a few extra lbs and you didn't put that on overnight, so wear your stretch pants once to the store and get some new pants.  I don't care if you weigh 400 lbs you still have go to the same job I go to and therefore should have to abide by the same rules that I do.  It's not my fault that things didn't go your way and you ate food to fill some void in your life and woke up one day 200 lbs heavier.  Sorry Lady Gaga, but they weren't born this way.... I know it's harsh, but so is life, so put those stretch pants to good use in front of your TV at home and do some FIT TV.. that is when stretch pants are ok.

If you are 50 years old then it's NOT OK to shop at the bodyshop, Forever 21 (clearly you're not), and Rave just to name a few.  Don't get me wrong, I love a stylish mom, I've got one.  My mom dresses really hip and really cute, but appropriate.  So it's kinda like dating men for example if you are 50 years old, then your clothes style and men style should range between the ages of 35-65.  Wearing clothes that a 21 year old wears to the club NOT OK.  When shopping just think, would my uptight 32 year old co-worker wear this, if the answer is yes, THEN BUY IT.   There is this rule called the 16- 61.... which means when dudes are checking you out from behind you look 16, but when you turn around you are really 61, NOT OK.  You should never be mistaken for a 16 year old by your skanky clothing.

So just wear appropriate clothes for your age and just be happy about it and rock out who you are and how old you are.  No one really cares as long as you are being yourself and being happy.  Late for work, to see my stretch pants friends.

1 comment:

  1. Feed Back I got through email --Leggings are ABSOLUTELY another category in work dress code. Just because you're anorexic skinny, it does NOT mean leggings are pants!!!!!! And you CANNOT wear them to work with a normal shirt! That is NOT OK!!!!!! And if you're FAT, don't wear leggings, EVER. Unless your at the gym! That's my 2 cents!
    I have another dress code violation... seen more and more lately in the work place. Rubber rain boots, better known as wellies, yes they are cute, and fun. But are they ok to wear to work, NO! Maybe into the building, yes I get it- it's monsooning out, but there is no rain inside our building, and you do not need to wear your rain boots all day! Leave them at your desk with your shape-ups!
