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Just putting my point of view out there for everyone to learn about me and love me. About me I'm 30-something, living in Raleigh with friends. Just wanted a blog not about Weddings, Babies and Pets, about the other stuff in life, like Reality TV! Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, May 18

Urgent Care, Who Cares?

As many of you know I work nights and weekend in an urgent care.  Which you would think would be exciting, filled with drama and hook-ups just like they show you on TV... WRONG.  Now it would be HIPPA violation for me to tell you specifically about anyone that comes in here, so we'll change the names to protect the STUPID.  Let's just say people where are your MOTHER'S and GRANDMOTHER'S??? I mean I know everyone doesn't have them, but still.  A simple cough, cold etc, isn't that what you call your mom for, she tells you to drink a shot of whiskey (not my mom), drink some honey, gargle with warm salt water.  All the good secrets that moms can tell you that will save you that $75 copay, hello yes that's $75.  I can only think of how much Goombay Smash I could make for $75, how many packs of Swedish fish I could buy, how many new complete outfits from Old Navy I could purchase, how I could pay about 30% toward that Lilly Dress that I  REALLY want.  So save your $75 take your grandma out to lunch like 10 times with the senior citizens discount you can get, save my time, so I can make that over-time paycheck without working too hard.  Oh and UTI's, holy Christmas how many of these I have seen, HELLO, it's called going to the JOHN after Making Dessert (that's what I'll call it on here, since my parents are probably reading).  So you and your BF or random guy, go to dinner or probably not if he's random, and then you have too many after dinner drinks and end up "making dessert", well go visit JOHN, everyone can stumble those few steps.  Probably should visit Rite-Aid as well for a little Plan B, because this is also something I don't want to see in the UC.  I don't want to hear about your mishap, just "Be prepared" for "making dessert", go to the "grocery store" and get your supplies, carry them in your purse ladies, really it's 2011, little motto you learned about 20 years ago in scouts "Be Prepared", yeah well that still applies today!  So don't be stupid, don't cry to me about how you didn't know...do you own a TV, because 16 and preggers, 19 kids and counting, baby story, Teen Mom--- shows are on all the time on MTV and TLC  Now if you don't have a TV, don't watch MTV or TLC, don't have friends, can't read a magazine, don't have Internet and don't speak to your parents then I might shed a little tear for you and your problems.  I will help you check in at UC, then pray for you and just remind myself how much better my life is than yours.
I dedicate this blog to my fav 16 and Preggers and Now TEEN MOM star, NC born and bread Jenelle.  And probably my soon to be fav Asheville, NC 16 and preggers star, Jamie.

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